Claim Restoration Signup

Our Signature Service
There is an entire industry of restoration companies offering to present your claim to insurance and then complete the approved repairs. However, their quality will be determined by both their ability to win the claim and the quality of their work and building products.
STEEL IMAGE ranks #1 in these two most important service categories:
Our team utilizes a combination of weather data, on-site evidence collection, and a database of prior claims to first determine whether you have a winnable claim.
This provides you with an account of what happened to your property and what is needed to restore it, how to file the claim, the appropriate date which caused the damage, and then our team handles the investigation and assessment of the proper repair with your insurance company (if they will allow us).
Once your insurer issues payment, we install the highest quality roof system in the country, including most extras that every other restoration company charges as “upgrades”. This includes GAF Timberline HDZ shingles, new metal flashings, lifetime accessories, ice and water shielding in valleys, along gutters, behind flashing, and GAF’s 50-year warranty.
The bill is sent to your insurance company for everything except your deductible, so long as you’ll help us seek full payment.
If your claim is not approved, there is no cost at all.
We Inspect
Let us first determine if a claim is worth filing.
File the Claim
You file the claim and request insurance meet with us to inspect.
Pursue Approval
We deal with insurance.
The work is completed per the insurance company’s estimate.
Insurance issues additional payments to cover the remainder.
Already have a contractor?
Here’s how we stack up against the competition:
The following chart uses a large Indianapolis competitor’s offer for a 3200sf roof in Brownsburg.
Claim Approval Chance
Architechtural Shingles
Life Expectancy
Manufacturer Warranty
Stain / Algae Resistant
Wind Warranty
Valley Protection
Ice Barrier along Gutters
Extra Wall Waterproofing
Pipe Flashing Warranty
Military Rebate
Cost to upgrade to our system
Steel Image
Claim Approval Chance
Architechtural Shingles
Life Expectancy
Manufacturer Warranty
Stain / Algae Resistant
Wind Warranty
Valley Protection
Ice Barrier along Gutters
Must have Code Coverage Requires specific insurance coverage titled ''building code upgrade.'' Otherwise, this item must be purchased separately.
Extra Wall Waterproofing
Must have Code Coverage Requires specific insurance coverage titled ''building code upgrade.'' Otherwise, this item must be purchased separately.
Pipe Flashing Warranty
Military Rebate
Cost to upgrade to our system
Understanding Insurance Claims
A handful of fundamental knowledge nuggets can alleviate common reservations with the claim process:
Claims are intentionally difficult to understand and navigate. You MUST hire a professional to know whether you’re getting a fair shake.
We buy insurance to use it when needed. You’re not going to be punished for using a service you purchased, and you should not hesitate to file a legitimate claim.
Your insurance agent is not your insurance company. You are not going to offend them by claiming something after years of paying your end of the agreement.
All property is to some extent of aged or deteriorated. Not claiming storm-damage to your property because you feel it’s too old is not a good financial decision. It functioned properly before something caused damage.
Why shouldn’t I let the insurance company handle everything? Because their determinations are entirely subject to training, mood, and company directives and incentives. Instead, have a professional provide an account of your loss based on facts and evidence.
Don’t get pushed around – Hire us
Want to be sure a claim is worth filing?
Have us inspect your property for free before you decide whether to involved the insurance company!